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Explain Pain Online, Malta

With Martina Egan-Moog

November 15, 2024 @ 8:30 am - November 19, 2024 @ 2:00 pm (3 sessions)

Course Host: Joanna Taylor

Online Course Online Course

To express your interest in attending this course, hit the contact button below to receive further course details from your course host, including how to pay and register your place. Please note that an enquiry does not confirm your place on the course.


3 Session/s

Session 1: Friday 15 November 2024, 08.30 - 14.00

Session 2: Monday 18 November 2024, 08.30 - 14.00

Session 3: Tuesday 19 November 2024, 08.30 - 14.00

Explain Pain Online – live and interactive
Prices inc. online sessions, electronic workbook 
  • The course will be live and delivered via Zoom 
  • Class sizes are kept small to maximise interaction and time for questions  
  • NOI’s usual high quality
  • Comprehensive teaching materials will be provided

In a world experiencing an epidemic of chronic pain and increasing evidence of the failure of synthetic drugs, simple but extremely powerful educational tools can effectively target the natural pain treatment systems within us all.

Knowledge is power. In the new series of Explain Pain courses delivered by NOI instructors around the world, contemporary pain sciences are made accessible and understandable for all.

We know more about pain in the last twenty years than in the thousand years before and it’s all providing answers to “why do I hurt the way I do” and “what can I do about it”. The knowledge is applicable to young and old, from back pain to hemiplegia and general aching to the complexities of phantom pain and complex regional pain syndrome.

Explain Pain works to reduce catastrophisation and negative pain beliefs and when combined with active treatment, reduces pain and enhances return to work and play. Explain Pain has no side effects, is available around the clock, and you can share the knowledge and strategies with others.

Don’t miss this opportunity. NOI Explain Pain courses are fun, intellectually stimulating, based on evidence, always challenging, and integrate the Explain Pain ecosystem of Explain Pain, The Explain Pain Handbook: Protectometer, and Explain Pain Supercharged. You will come away with the most impressive therapeutic tool set ever!


A strength of the Explain Pain course is that participants come from many professions, so come with an open mind.


The Explain Pain Second Edition eBook | Print Book

Other related reading: Moseley GL & Butler DS (2015) Fifteen years of Explaining Pain: the past, the present and future, J Pain 16, 803-13.

This course is open to:
Health professionals working with patients or clients in acute and chronic pain and stress states.


By the end of this course participants will have:

  1. reconceptualised pain and stress based on neuroimmunology, modern pain sciences and bioplasticity of homeostatic systems
  2. constructed a conceptual change framework to deliver individual and group educational therapy
  3. gained an understanding of the growing evidence for Explain Pain and recognise opportunities to integrate Explain Pain with other biopsychosocial evidence based strategies.
  4. gathered a collection of therapeutic narratives using metaphor, literal story and linked multimedia, and the skills to construct patient centred education interventions in real time
  5. developed the skills to use the Protectometer to identify immediately applicable and educationally informed multimodal treatment strategies
  6. built the confidence to plan and deliver treatment for all patients with persistent pain and stress, and educate other stakeholders


Terms and Conditions

If you book a course through NOI, attendees can receive a full refund up to 30 days before the event start date, less the Eventbrite booking fee. Within 30 days, no refund.

In the event of NOI having to cancel the course due to unforeseen circumstances notification will be sent as soon as possible via your contact details provided and registrants will receive a full refund of the course fee.

Course places are secured once payment has been successfully processed.

If you book via a course hosting partner please check their terms and conditions.

Course Enquiry

Explain Pain Online, Malta on November 15, 2024 @ 8:30 am - November 19, 2024 @ 2:00 pm

Contact Course Host


NOI Instructor, MSc, Post Grad Manip Ther

Languages: English/Deutsch, Regions: Australasia/Europe

Courses: Embodiment in Pain Science Education, Schmerzen Verstehen, Explain Pain Online Europe, Explain Pain (Schmerzen Verstehen) Online

Martina Egan-Moog

Martina gained her qualifications as a Physiotherapist in Germany. Working in sports and orthopaedic clinics in southern Germany after graduation led to an interest in Neurodynamics and on to further study with Martina completing a Postgraduate Diploma in Manipulative Therapy in 1996. Later, Martina completed a Masters by Science Degree at Curtin University in Perth, Australia, in 1999 focused on manual therapy concepts and their integration with pain science and psychology. This knowledge and experience was put into practice from 1999 to 2003 working in an interdisciplinary team in a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) programme for chronic pain patients at the Pain Management and Research Centre (PMRC), The University of Sydney.

Martina’s passion for pain neuroscience and application of pain management strategies led to the development of the course The Problem Pain Patient, which she taught for 10 years together with Max Zusman. Later, Martina was instrumental in setting up a specialised pain physiotherapy training through the German Pain Society. Based on the IASP Curriculum, this course was first piloted in 2014 and Martina remains committed to updating and improving the design and delivery of this training.

In 2004 Martina joined NOI to undertake the translation of Explain Pain into German – Schmerzen verstehen. In 2006 she started teaching a course by the same name, and since then has been responsible for updates to the course including the translation and integration of the Protectometer, as well as translating the Graded Motor Imagery course so that no valuable content will be lost in translation.

In 2013 it was time for Martina and her family to return Down Under where they continue to live in Melbourne. Martina presently works in an outpatient Pain Network Program for patients with persistent pain after work or traffic accidents (Precision Ascend) and in the Barbara Walker Centre for Pain Management at St. Vincent’s Hospital. She regularly tutors for Latrobe University on the Physiotherapy Sports/Musculoskeletal Masters Programme. In 2019 she was titled ‘Pain Physiotherapist’ by the Australian Physiotherapy Association.

Martina’s main interest is to bridge research findings from pain sciences and behavioural medicine to clinical practice and she continues to do this with her teaching in both German and English.

Durch Ihre manualtherapeutische Arbeit in Physiopraxen in Süddeutschland begann 1995 Martinas Interesse am Neurodynamischen Konzept. Ein Postgraduate Diploma in Manipulative Therapy (1996) und ein Masters by Science degree (1999) an der Curtin Universität in Perth, West Australien, sowie Forschung im Bereich der Schmerzphysiologie/Schmerzpsychologie ermöglichten Ihr sich in die Materie zu vertiefen.
Von 1999 bis 2003 hat Martina in einem Kognitiv-Verhaltenstherapeutischen Programm für chronische Schmerzpatienten am Pain Management and Research Centre der Universität Sydney gearbeitet woraus der Kurs ‘Interaktionen mit Problematischen Schmerzpatienten’ entstanden ist den sie über 10 Jahre lang zusammen mit Max Zusman (+2013) unterrichtet hat. Seit ihrer deutschen Uebersetzung des Buches ‘Explain Pain’ hat sie den Kurs ‘Schmerzen verstehen’ für den deutschsprachigen Raum mit entwickelt, den sie seit 2006 regelmässig unterrichtet. Zusätzlich engagiert sie sich bei NOI für die Übersetzung des ‘Protectometers’ und des ‘Graded Motor Imagery’ Programms.
2009 begann Ihre Curriculums- und später Dozententätigkeit in der seit 2014 bestehenden Weiterbildung zur ‘Speziellen Schmerzphysiotherapie’ der Deutschen Schmerzgesellschaft.
Nach 10 Jahren in Basel und München, zog es Martina und ihre Familie zurueck nach Down Under. Seitdem arbeitet Martina im ambulanten Schmerzmanagement Programm Precision Ascend in Melbourne, ausschliesslich mit Arbeits- und Verkehrsunfallpatienten, sowie im Zentrum für Schmerzmanagement am St. Vincent Krankenhaus (Barbara Walker Centre for Pain Management). Sie ist Tutorin für Schmerzwissenschaften an der Latrobe Universität. 2019 hat sie von der Australian Physiotherapy Association den Titel “APA titled Pain Physiotherapist” verliehen bekommen.
In ihrem Unterricht versucht Martina immer wieder eine Brücke zwischen Forschungsergebnisse aus den Schmerzwissenschaften und der klinischen Arbeit in multidisziplinären Teams und ambulanten Praxen zu schlagen.


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